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Housewife Teuta Avdyli Reinvented Herself From Accident Survivor To Global Positive Parenting Coach

Teuta Avdyli
Positive Parenting Coach
Teuta Avdyli was a passionate housewife who survived a major lorry accident and overcame various obstacles in her life. She knew she had a story to tell but she had no platform to share her story to. She had a secret dream of creating a book that would tell her story in order to inspire others to believe in the power of spirituality.
She was making an impact in her community but she knew one day she would share her story to thousands of people. The Brand For Speakers Programme enabled Teuta to get her book written and published and to enhance her personal brand. The book programme also helped her crystallise her message -"Born To Stand Out". Through the Speakers Are Leaders Programme she got trained to speak to inspire and she is now on her way to becoming a keynote international speaker, creating her workshop to coach thousands and her online courses. Thanks to becoming the author of "Born To Stand Out, Not To Fit In", she was almost immediately offered many speaking opportunities in the UK and Albania, she received several awards, and she was invited to speak on various Albanian TV channels.
She was making an impact in her community but she knew one day she would share her story to thousands of people. The Brand For Speakers Programme enabled Teuta to get her book written and published and to enhance her personal brand. The book programme also helped her crystallise her message -"Born To Stand Out". Through the Speakers Are Leaders Programme she got trained to speak to inspire and she is now on her way to becoming a keynote international speaker, creating her workshop to coach thousands and her online courses. Thanks to becoming the author of "Born To Stand Out, Not To Fit In", she was almost immediately offered many speaking opportunities in the UK and Albania, she received several awards, and she was invited to speak on various Albanian TV channels.
#1 Amazon Bestselling Author in 24 hrs in 6 Categories.

Reached Over 1 Million People At Our Online Events.

Spoke At 20 Events+

Invited To Speak In UK, Albania, UAE, Ireland, Singapore, Peru

Inspired Thousands Of People In Person.

Received Multiple Awards.

Met More Than 20 Influencers

Spoke At Same Event As Influencers, Presidents, Politicians

Featured on 5 TV Channels

Featured In Newspaper & Magazines

Created A Clear & Consistent Personal Brand

Clarified Her Signature Expert Message

Created One Online Course

Sponsored Various Charities

Praised Worldwide For Speaking

Won Speaking Competitions

Raised Her Profile From Housewife & Recovering Accident Survivor To Global Positive Parenting Coach

Revamped Her Image To A Luxury Look

Improved Her Social Media Presence With A Clear And Consistent Personal Brand

Recieved Mayor's Award

Prestigious Global Entrainment Award

Doctor of Humanities