Motivational Speakers

Harry Sardinas With Christopher Kai – the founder & CEO of The Mathem Group, a Beverly Hills based leadership training firm and Best Selling Author Ken Honda
Harry Sardinas and Lily Patrascu with Coach Carter – Who Was Played By Samuel L Jackson In the Movie – Coach Carter
Harry Sardinas with Harry Singha Inspirational, Transformational & Leadership Speaker
harry sardinas with andy harrington the jet set speaker motivating millions around the world
Harry Sardinas and Lily Patrascu with Coach Carter – Who Was Played By Samuel L Jackson In the Movie – Coach Carter –
harry sardinas with coach carter–who was played by samuel l jackson in the movie–coach carter an american business owner education activist and former high school basketball coach
harry sardinas with les brown the worlds leading motivational speaker radio dj–former tv host author of the best selling book live your dreams
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